
Sharon Eagen

Sharon sat in her first Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE) Standard 1 course on a hot summer day in 2011 and was hooked. She thought of all her students, past and present, and knew each one of them needed the Feuerstein Method. There were finally some answers to the questions she had been asking about how to help all her students reach their full potential. Sharon implemented FIE and Mediated Learning Experience in her Michigan classroom and with her educational therapy students. She co-led a schoolwide implementation of FIE for all K-8 students, became a trainer in 2018, and taught the principles of mediation to the school faculty. Sharon is the founder of The Cognitive Link and The Mediated Learning Lab where she supports parents, teachers, administrators, and mediators as they guide students to reach their learning potential. Sharon’s newest projects include Ten-Minute Teacher Training and serving on the board of a new school scheduled to open in September.